2011/10/19 Viesturs Lācis <viesturs.la...@gmail.com>:

> Are there any ideas, why do U and V make a jump, when sel pins of mux
> components are set "true"?

Well, all the emcmot.00.xxxx signal names confuse me.

However the issue is probably that the X and U axes are not homed to
the same positions is machine space, so that even if both axes are at
zero in G54, the values on the position-cmd pins are different.
(You should be able to see this in the machine config window, with all
axes at zero, what are the values on the various motor-pos-cmd pins?)

For the machine as you have it, and if you are happy that the stepper
limits are set conservatively, I would loop the axis feedbacks
straight back to themselves, they are only going to cause trouble.

Do you need all 4 operating modes? ie:
XY controls motors 0 and 1
XY controls motors 2 and 3
XY controls motors 0, 1, 2, and 3
XYUV controls motors 0, 1, 2, 3?

The mux function is not ideal for the job here, but it will do. I
think it will help to loop back unused inputs to the output (so that
when a control mode is deselected the mux hold the previous value
rather than jumping to zero).

You probably need to calculate the offset in G53 space between
axis.(X).cmd and axis.(U).cmd and then add that on in HAL when the
axis.(X),cmd is being routed to axis.(U)
You can toggle that calculation into a looped-back mux2 then use it
into a sum2 or offset component. You might expect to use sample-hold
in this application, but it is the wrong datatype.

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