2011/10/19 andy pugh <bodge...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/10/19 Viesturs Lācis <viesturs.la...@gmail.com>:
>> Are there any ideas, why do U and V make a jump, when sel pins of mux
>> components are set "true"?
> Well, all the emcmot.00.xxxx signal names confuse me.

They were in hm2_stepper sample config, so I kept them.

> However the issue is probably that the X and U axes are not homed to
> the same positions is machine space, so that even if both axes are at
> zero in G54, the values on the position-cmd pins are different.
> (You should be able to see this in the machine config window, with all
> axes at zero, what are the values on the various motor-pos-cmd pins?)

Oh, yes, got it! Thank You!!!
There was one motor position value (I guess that is the same
motor.n.pos-cmd pin You mentioned) that does not reset after homing.

In that case solving it in HAL seems a lot more complicated than I thought.
Thanks for the tip about sum and offset components, I will try to
figure something out!

> For the machine as you have it, and if you are happy that the stepper
> limits are set conservatively, I would loop the axis feedbacks
> straight back to themselves, they are only going to cause trouble.

What I did with those feedbacks is for this special case:
Synchronization is enabled, U pos-cmd is not routed to any stepgen or
motor. So in this case, if any U command is accidentally issued in
code or by jogging, operator will receive following error as pos-cmd
will differ from pos-fb. If that mistake is in code, it will interrupt
operation and ruin part as tool will burn marks in it. So to keep
machine working I wanted to make sure that pos-cmd and pos-fb pins are
the same.

> Do you need all 4 operating modes? ie:
> XY controls motors 0 and 1
> XY controls motors 2 and 3
> XY controls motors 0, 1, 2, and 3
> XYUV controls motors 0, 1, 2, 3?

I need last 2 modes, because both spindles (all 4 motors) are used in all cases:
XY controls motors 0, 1, 2 and 3
XYUV controls motors 0, 1, 2 and 3


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