No, I was actually working with an OEM who sold a sign software package 
that generated Gcode (very expensive).   The problem was that their 
software generated way too many short segments for no good reason which 
caused problems
on the machine controls (it wasn't LinuxCNC or Mach3).  They simply 
refused to alter their code saying that the machine control "should" be 
able to handle as many short segments as they want to throw at it and 
still run at high speeds.

The machine control choked badly (no surprise) and was running 10 or 15% 
of the desired speed.

In the end, I don't think that anything was ever fixed.   And the 
machines still run slowly.

I later learned that this is a common stance in the art industry.   They 
expect the machine controller to handle whatever garbage they throw at it.

Artists and some of the people associated with artists tend to live in 
different realm, reality, or dimension.   ;-)
Logic is oftentimes discarded!


On 4/19/2012 3:53 PM, Les Newell wrote:
> Dave,
> Is it possible the CAM package had been set up for ridiculously close
> tolerances? Maybe it was simply a case of changing a parameter somewhere
> to increase the tolerance.
> Les
> On 19/04/2012 19:01, Dave wrote:
>> I agree that there are always cases where curve fitting simply doesn't
>> work.  But I have seen some large curvy lines in a single plane that
>> could have been curve fitted, that spanned over several feet of distance
>> that were described as G1 segments that were no more than .005 inches long.
>> That is simply bad Gcode.
>> Dave
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