On 02/06/2014 05:02 AM, andy pugh wrote:
> On 6 February 2014 11:41, bruno <br...@tinkerbox.org> wrote:
>> I am wondering if anybody has tried to configure one of these:
>> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-Wireless-USB-MPG-Pendant-Handwheel-Mach3-For-CNC-Mac-Mach-3-4-axis-Controller/1004816998.html
> Yes, there is a dedicated HAL component for them:
> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Using_A_XHC-HB04_Wireless_MPG_Pendant

Frederic Rible and Dewey Garrett and I have been adding support for this
pendant to LinuxCNC.  It's nearly ready to be merged into master, for
now you can check it out in the "xhc-hb04" branch on git.linuxcnc.org.

Frederic (who wrote the driver) tested that branch and reported that it
works for him.  Dewey wrote a bunch of configs that should hopefully be
easy to add to a machine config, but i haven't heard any test reports of
that (and i don't have one of these pendants to test with myself).

Frederic, Dewey, are you both happy with the state of that branch?  Are
we ready to merge it into master?  And then I guess it's time to update
that wiki page....

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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