On 4/11/14 13:15 , Rod Fitzsimmons Frey wrote:
> Hi!  I'm trying to get my programs running and I'm having trouble with the
> motion stuttering.   It's not getting near my feed levels, and if I adjust
> the feed override while it's running it has no effect.
> I've set G64 P0, which I think should eliminate motion mode concerns?

"G64 P0" means "never deviate at all from the programmed path" -- on a 
machine with finite acceleration this should stop at nearly every line end.

Try increasing the P-word value, which specifies how far from the 
programmed path the machine is allowed to go.  Depending on your 
tolerance needs (and since your units are mm) you might try something 
like "G64 P0.01" or "G64 P0.1".

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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