2015-11-17 21:54 GMT+02:00 John Kasunich <jmkasun...@fastmail.fm>:
> Just divide the steps per mm for X in half, and send the X steps to both
> gantry and pipe chuck motors using HAL.  Also send X direction to both
> motors, and invert one so they travel in opposite directions.  Use HAL
> logic (in the base thread) to turn off steps to each motor when that motor
> hits its home switch (only while homing), and to send a composite home
> switch signal to LinuxCNC when both motors have hit their home switches.

Why not to treat the chuck motor as another joint of X axis? There
already are 2 of them (on the gantry), so adding 3rd should be
straightforward - that allows homing the chuck to its own switch
without any additional hassle in HAL or whatever.


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