Hi all,
This seems so elementary but has me perplexed.  
For the last 30 years or so Microsoft Windows has had the ability to create 
desktop shortcuts that are small files that link to the physical executable.  
My BeagleBone with MachineKit can do that and so can the Pi LinuxCNC 2.8 as 
well as a Pi3 I have with a standard desktop.
But the difference between the LinuxCNC Pi and all the others is that shortcut 
put on the desktop always throws up a dialog telling me what I already know.  
That this program is trying to run and would I like that or do I want to run it 
in the Terminal.  The answer is always I want to run it.
All the other systems can either be configured or automatically just run the 
application.   The configuration in the various desktops is usually a checkbox. 
 So although LinuxCNC 2.8 on the Pi has created a small shortcut file it does 
not have the ability to not disable the dialog.  Other Linux systems do.  I 
could grab and provide screen shots showing the differences but that's probably 
not needed.
Is there a way in this version of the LinuxCNC to bring it 30 years into the 
future or even just do like MachineKit on the Beagle and not ask that stupid 
question each time?
"ELS! Nothing else works as well for your Lathe"
Automation Artisans Inc.
www dot autoartisans dot com 

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