> From: Peter C. Wallace [mailto:p...@mesanet.com]
> > From: John Dammeyer <jo...@autoartisans.com>
> >
> > Maybe it's a MESA issue?  It's set up as output type 1 which is 0-100% which
> > means either the Out2 should invert when pwmgen gets negative?  Or the 
> > output
> > should clip to 0 when the calculation determines a negative output.
> >http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man9/hostmot2.9.html#pwmgen
> PWM mode 1 is basically sign-manitude mode so if you connect
> the PWM direction to the drives direction control,
> and give signed command and feedback inputs to the PID
> it should work properly.
I don't understand that Peter.  The PIN file for my device doesn't have an 
explicit PWM Direction controlled by the PWM module.  And in either case the 
potential for a random change in direction as it approaches 0 RPM is 
unacceptable behavior for a spindle.

What should the pwmgen do when
hm2_7i92.0.pwmgen.00.value is assigned a negative value if it's configured with
setp   hm2_7i92.0.pwmgen.00.output-type  1

If there isn't anything in the PIN file that assigned a direction output to the 
pwmgen shouldn't the PWM output pin then stay at 0?  For the spindle it's not 
safe to have the pwmgen decide to change the direction because the response to 
slowing down isn't fast enough so the error term goes negative.

I'll just double check again to see if indeed a negative value is assigned into 

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