
On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Onno Ekker <o.e.ek...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It would also be nice if you give the labels and accesskeys the same name.
> For instance, now there's a label called enigmail.keyMan.keyProps.label
> with accesskey called enigmail.keyMan.keyDetails.accesskey. This makes it
> very hard to find the correct accesskey, because you first have to find the
> xul file where it is used.
> Structuring the dtd and properties files so that label and accesskey are
> together would also be nice, because that way you can see at a glance that
> the accesskey is in the label and you only have to worry about choosing
> unique accesskeys...

I second this proposal.  It can be very hard to choose the right access
keys, not knowing to which label they correspond and also what access keys
are already used in the corresponding context (dialog, menu).

Best regards,

António Manuel Dias

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