Mauricio, il 17/08/2014 03:36, ha scritto:
> :-o
> So, I set the theme back to default and the systray icons are displayed.
> \o/ No need to reset the config again. Cool! I still don't get the icon for
> wifi, but I don't care so much for that one... not until I have to change
> my wifi settings, at least. heheheh And if I call "nm-applet" in my prompt
> I get an icon in the systray and I can configure from there. Doesn't seem
> the same applet I had before, but it works and I'm happy. :-)

I don't know about Network Manager because I use connman, and E has an
applet for it, but it could be that your icon for NM is now different
because the old configuration was using a different icon theme.
You can change the icon theme from the "Look" tab in the configuration
panel; it should be the item "Application theme", or something similar
(I always have the italian desktop ;)

Massimo Maiurana
Ragusa (RG)

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