On  7 Dec 01 at 13:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Try to find an EOS to T-mount (or M42) adapter.

Sadly, these reverse adapters are rare as hen's teeth.
T2-reverse *does* exist, but sadly^2 not for EOS or other modern AF 
mounts (MAF), only for older manual mounts....the latter are made (only) by 
Danubia AFAIK. 
Also: at one point in time, they were also listed for EOS/MAF, but 
despite all my research, I have never been able to confirm their 
existence....Danubia flatly denies any production for EOS/MAF....8-))
That, plus the fact that you need full power+data to the lens, is
the reason why I still think the concept of Novoflex reversal-ring
plus auxiliary&out-of-the-way camera is the easiest....the eyepiece 
itself will have to be custom made in any case anyway.
Heck, it would even allow stopping down to increase DOF....:)) 

> Mead makes a camera adapter (for their range of 1 1/4"
> telescopes) which can be used in reverse as an eyepiece
> holder for T-mount lenses.  (Normally this adapter
> would be used to mount a T-mount camera to their 
> telescope.)

Motorized/computer-compensated telescopes are getting cheap enough to 
add one to the gear park, just for playing in the dark....;))
But, they still don't have IS, so it's and/and, not or/or....:))


Willem-Jan Markerink

      The desire to understand 
is sometimes far less intelligent than
     the inability to understand

[note: 'a-one' & 'en-el'!]
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