No. "Harmony" refers to the agreed post-ES5 trajectory of the
language. It was part of the harmonious agreement to accept ES3.1 as
ES5. ES6 and ES7 are both steps of ES-Harmony.

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:48 AM, Brandon Benvie
<> wrote:
> My understanding is that "harmony" refers perpetually to ES-next, whatever
> that thing is at the time. Since ES6 now has a name and a (draft) spec, it
> no longer is harmony (it's ES6). The wiki doesn't reflect this, but this is
> what (I think) I have observed from what TC39 members have said.
> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Domenic Denicola
> <> wrote:
>> I think part of the confusion is that, from what I understand, "harmony"
>> refers to things that are agreed upon by all TC39 members, or at least were
>> at one time. But this does not imply it being in ES6.
>> That is, much confusion I've seen on the internet stems from people
>> assuming "harmony" means ES6, since for so long we were calling it
>> "ECMAScript Harmony."
>> I'd suggest either downgrading non-ES6 proposals to strawman, or creating
>> a new "es6" namespace and moving the relevant pages there. The former is
>> probably very appropriate for things that were once harmonious, but now
>> contentious or obsoleted by other features.
>> --
>> Of course, the actual solution for all this is for me to launch a bunch of
>> pull requests against Dave's new wiki, giving it the same breadth and depth
>> as the current one. Then we can point the internet to that as the
>> authoritative source of information, with the current wiki used more as a
>> scratchpad or historical archive. I'll try to re-shuffle my to-do list...
>> ________________________________
>> From: [] on
>> behalf of Rick Waldron []
>> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 13:20
>> To: David Bruant
>> Cc: Brendan Eich; es-discuss Steen
>> Subject: Re: Wiki and drafts (was: Polyfill for Maps and Sets)
>> Cool, check this:
>> :)
>> That's not all of them, but I'll go through it all again for anything I
>> missed (unless you want to list any here, which would be fantastic)
>> Rick
>> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 1:08 PM, David Bruant <> wrote:
>>> Le 18/01/2013 18:58, Rick Waldron a écrit :
>>>> It doesn't seem reasonable to maintain two versions of the proposals as
>>>> they become specifications.
>>>> My first thought is that the simplest possible strategy is to update
>>>> harmony proposal pages (on the wiki) with a line at the top that indicates
>>>> that the proposal is now in the spec draft. This is low effort-cost to
>>>> convey that everyone should be looking at the latest and greatest of each
>>>> proposal as they become part of the ES6 draft revisions and progress 
>>>> towards
>>>> finalization therein.
>>> I fully agree. It'll bring more attention to what happens in the drafts
>>> and will make more people to review them.
>>> Also, if something in the harmony namespace is put on hold like
>>> harmony:classes it should probably be downgraded to the strawman namespace.
>>> David
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