On Jul 19, 2013, at 6:54 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

> On 18 July 2013 18:16, Allen Wirfs-Brock <al...@wirfs-brock.com> wrote:
>> In fact, the
>> conclusion/resolution doesn't even say that Symbols will be primitive
>> values.  All of the bullet items listed there are apply equally to either
>> symbols as primitives or symbols as exotic objects. The current (and
>> previous, I believe) spec. draft reflects those explicit conclusions.
> Ah, come on. That was the main point of the proposal, and it's
> explicit at the beginning of the notes. It was clear to everybody in
> the room, including you. You went to adopt it in the spec, after all.

Oh, I agree with that.  I was just making a point that the minutes aren't 
always a very reliable record of a discussion.  And that's not meant as a 
criticism of Rick or Arv or anybody else who takes notes.  I couldn't do it 
half as well as they do.


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