Hello Dennis, 

There must be different efficiency in A/C units depending on optional items 
that are added to the units.  Both of theses units have dehydrators in them to 
maintain a minimum of 50% humidity at plus or minus 1 percent for electronics 
and electrical equipment.   

I have one unit that requires 1050 watts for 9000 btu/r which I purchase about 
18 years ago.  

I have another unit that requires 1040 watts for 10000 btu/r which I purchase 
last year. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dennis Miles<mailto:dmiles33...@gmail.com> 
  To: Roland<mailto:e...@msn.com> ; Electric Vehicle Discussion 
  Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2014 12:39 PM
  Subject: Re: [EVDL] Hybrid Mustang: AC or DC?

  This is an interesting point you stated, " One ton of A/C is equal to 12,000 
btus/hr. and  3420 btus/hr equals 1000 watts." However, it applies to direct 
conversion such as resistance heating, and not to the compressor operated, 
gaseous to liquid, state changing, "Heat Pump," as that system, so widely used, 
is not converting the electrical energy into heat or cool, It is moving the 
heat. (By absorbing head with liquid to gas vaporization. And releasing heat by 
compressing the vapor, resulting in a state change to liquid and subsequently 
the "heat of vaporization" previously absorbed, is given off . This 
"heat-pumping" works for space cooling, as well as heating. The placard on my 
home heat pump (a  unit manufactured in 1985) shows an "EER" (Energy Efficiency 
Rating) of 13, indicating the BTUs moved into or out of my home, only require 
1/13 of the comparable electrical energy, as if used to heat the air, and the 
3.5 ton only uses 945 watts, to produce 42,000 btus/hr, (Plus f
 an motor consumption.) of heating,or cooling, energy flow. (I agree with you 
other computations it is only the conversion of one ton of AC @ 12,000 btus/hr 
by using the 3420 btus/hr as cooling electrical energy of 1,000 watts 
indicating 4.7hp for a one ton 
  ac being a possible point of confusion to which I object.)

  Dennis Lee Miles 


   Founder:    EV Tech. Institute Inc.    

  Phone # (863) 944-9913 (12 noon to 12 midnight Eastern US Time)     

  Educating yourself, does not mean you were stupid; it means, you are 
intelligent enough,  to know, that there is plenty left to learn!

            You Tube Video link:  

  On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Roland via EV 
<ev@lists.evdl.org<mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org>> wrote:

    Before selecting a A/C unit, a calculation of how much heat gain or lost 
there is between a inside surface of a structure and the outside structure.

    One ton of A/C is equal to 12,000 bturs.
    3420 bturs equal 1000 watts.

    The formula is:   bturs = SF x u factor x TD

    SF is the square foot area of the exterior surfaces
    U is equal to 1/R
    TD is the Temperature Difference between the temperature of the outside 
surface to the inside surface.

    Calculation for a passenger compartment of a vehicle not insulated:

    Single pane class is 1 R-Factor
    Single panel of sheet metal is 1 R-Factor

    Therefore the u-factor is 1/R = 1u.

    For heating loss, we use 100 F. degree temperature difference (TD) to 
maintain a interior temperature of 70 F. at 30 below 0. or TD = 100

    For A/C heat gain, we use a 70 F. degree temperature difference (TD) to 
maintain a interior temperature of 70 F. at 140 F ambient or TD = 70

    The calculation which I use for my EV:

    My SF = 175 SF of the interior passenger
    The u-factor would be 1/1 or 1U if not insulated
    The TD = 70 F.


    Btur's = 175 SF x 1 U-factor x 70 F  TD =  12250 bturs.

    One ton of A/C = 12000 btur's

    Minimum size of A/C unit will be 12250/12000 = 1.02 ton

    Adding insulation which I install two layers of 1 inch soft foam in the 
door panels and firewalls.  Insulated the floor with 1 inch of firm DOW blue 
board foam with a layer of 1 inch soft foam and carpet.  This reduce the btur's 
to about half.

    Heating only takes 640 watts at 120 vac 60 hz (continuous ON) at 0 F.  If I 
want the heater to cycle, than I switch in another 740 watt heater.  The power  
 comes from my rotating inverter/alternator that is rated at 7kw.


      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Jan Steinman via 
      Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2014 11:22 PM
      Subject: Re: [EVDL] Hybrid Mustang: AC or DC?

      > From: Ben Goren via EV 

      > ... are there heat pump systems rather than compressor units that might 
be more energy efficient?

      The compressor-based system in almost all consumer things that reduce 
temperature *is* a heat pump.

      The only one that I know of that is different is the "Einstein 
evaporator" used in many multi-powered camping refrigerators.

      :::: Rapid growth in the human energy base has broken down old biological 
and cultural diversity, and simultaneously led to proliferation of human 
numbers and individual diversity. The climaxing and decline of energy will 
inevitably result in a reduction of human numbers, and possibly individual 
diversity, while stimulating the re-emergence of localised biological and 
cultural diversity. -- David Holmgren
      :::: Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op ::::


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