I like what you suggest, David, but with some minor changes. I think it's too much to restrict EVDL to BEVs. Rather, let's leave open the possibility of using supercaps or other methods of storing electricity, e.g. a flywheel (I admit, this is unlikely to get anywhere) or even a fuel cell (along with the following restriction).

Instead, I suggest that the vehicle must be powered by an electric motor and the energy source must be electricity, either directly from the mains or indirectly from sources external to the vehicle.

Note that the above qualification would prohibit an onboard fuel cell that used hydrogen from externally filled tanks. However it would allow a fuel cell which received hydrogen from "regen", for example. (Again, very unlikely anyone would do this, I just want to point out how this qualification works). It also would permit an external fuel cell, say, in your garage; I think this is fair - not really any different than sourcing electricity from coal generation.


------ Original Message ------
From: "EVDL Administrator via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: ev@lists.evdl.org
Sent: 21-Nov-14 12:11:05 AM
Subject: [EVDL] Charter change?


The EVDL (Electric Vehicle Email Discussion List) exists for two main

1, To provide a forum for discussing the current state of the art and future
direction of battery electric vehicles (BEVs).

2. To support and assist those who have BEVs; or are considering buying,
leasing, or building them.

The EVDL is not intended to discuss either BEV general appropriateness, or
comparisons with other vehicles using combustion engines.

A battery electric vehicle (BEV) is any vehicle which uses an electric motor as its primary or sole motive force, and a rechargeable battery to store
externally-supplied electrical energy.

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