Peri - Your argument gets my vote.  MW

On 23 Nov 2014, at 06:12, Peri Hartman via EV <> wrote:

> I think you're right, Ben, but I don't think that plug-in hybrids should be 
> part of the charter.   If someone wants to ask questions or discuss how to 
> add EV capabilities to an existing vehicle (ICE or hybrid or whatever), 
> that's fine.  But I don't want to see discussions on the merits of hybrids 
> and how to fine tune them to best performance.  I don't think that helps 
> advance the principles of EVs.
> For example, it's one thing to discuss the latest advancements in battery 
> technology or the functionality of a BMS.   It's another thing to argue over 
> the best balance between ICE performance when augmented with an electric 
> motor.
> My feelings orient towards the lofty vision of a pure EV world where high 
> electrical energy storage is practical and the standard vehicle is powered by 
> such storage device and an electric motor.  Hybrids and anything else that 
> relies on a supplementary fuel supply is a distraction and simply an 
> intermediate solution.
> So, yes, let's encourage people to buy or build hybrids and other 
> intermediary vehicles but let's not change evdl from focusing on the more 
> distant, abstract goal.
> Peri
> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "Ben Goren via EV" <>
> To: "Lee Hart" <>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" 
> <>
> Sent: 22-Nov-14 10:38:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [EVDL] Charter change?
>> On Nov 22, 2014, at 11:20 AM, Lee Hart via EV <> wrote:
>>> So, how about if the charter restricts it to "vehicles powered by electric 
>>> motors and a fuel source *other than* conventional gasoline, diesel, or 
>>> other fossil fuels?
>>> In other words, itemize what "fuel sources" the list is NOT for discussing
>> Even then, I don't think there should be a "one drop" purity test. Plugin 
>> hybrids are, in many instances, almost exclusively electric vehicles in 
>> practice. I don't think the Volt or the new BMW should be verboten, 
>> especially considering that few owners of those vehicles will stop at a gas 
>> station more than a couple times a year despite driving them daily.
>> If the vehicle gets a significant portion of its motive energy from an 
>> external source of electricity, it should be fair game. How the vehicle 
>> stores that energy onboard, and whether or not the vehicle also takes on 
>> energy from non-electric sources, shouldn't matter.
>> The Honda Insight shouldn't be a suitable vehicle for discussion, but, if 
>> somebody comes here owning an Insight and wants to replace / expand the 
>> battery pack and add a cable to plug it into the wall, we should be excited 
>> to help that person do so, even if the gasoline engine stays onboard after 
>> the modifications. (And, yes, part of the advice should be to consider 
>> ditching the gasoline engine in favor of expanded electric performance, but, 
>> though that's often a good idea, it's not always the most suitable option.)
>> Of course, it's easy to imagine a big auto manufacturer creating a 
>> "compliance vehicle" that's a typical non-plugin hybrid with a tiny battery 
>> and the addition of a plug that'll give the vehicle a mile or three of 
>> electric range. I think we'd want to know about those sorts of vehicles and 
>> how to discourage their use; or, alternately, be open to helping people with 
>> modifications to such vehicles to give them meaningful all-electric ranges.
>> We all here acknowledge that BEVs aren't yet one-size-fits-all solutions, 
>> and that there are many real-world scenarios where they're not suitable. 
>> What I don't personally understand is why so many encourage the use of a 
>> separate pure-gasoline vehicle to fill those gaps and discourage the use of 
>> a plugin hybrid. Two cars are better than one...because...why...?
>> b&
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