How about 36.5 years on 60 each 6-volt 245 to 250 ah batteries.  First run a 
set of 30 Trojans in my EV for 8.5 year and than install them into a mountain 
cabin all connected in two strings of parallel 6 volts to run two 5 kw 120 vac 
60 cycle inverters with a input of 12 volts that ran for 10 years.  


Just got done replacing Trojans with 30 U.S. 6 volt batteries rated at 250 ah 
connected to the same configuration that ran my EV for 8 years. If these 
batteries last another 10 years, this would make the 36.5 years. 


The Trojan batteries cost $2100.00 and the US Batteries Cost $4140.00.  Got a 
core rate of $20.00 each 6 volt on the Trojans or $600.00 and maybe $600.00 or 
more ten years from now.


In the winter, there are 13.5 volt solar cell banks made by the Motorola 
company which has a plant here in Montana.   In the summer some people use a 
water generator which is actually a 6 inch diameter irrigation pump that is 
connected to a AC generator and irrigation pipe that run up hill to a spring to 
collect the water.  The water is also use for house hold used two.  So pure and 
cold, it tested better than city water. 


Where there is no water source, than some use a wind generator, back up by the 
battery pack, in turn back up by a diesel generator.  





----- Original Message ----- 

From: Ben Goren via EV<> 

To: Cor van de Water<> ; Electric Vehicle Discussion 

Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 5:48 PM

Subject: Re: [EVDL] virtual power plant

On May 4, 2015, at 4:39 PM, Cor van de Water via EV 
<<>> wrote:

> After 10 years of daily full-cycling, I am presuming that the value of the 
> pack
> and the 10-year old electronics is approaching zero

I don't think that's a valid assumption in this case. Tesla is including a 
ten-year warranty, meaning they're going to have to typically be nearly as good 
after 9 years and 364 days as they are new (presumably within some sort of 
specified degradation, such as 80% capacity). And Tesla's vehicular batteries 
are significantly outperforming expectations.

The resale value of these units might not be anywhere near $10,000, but they'll 
still be doing the job you bought them to do and will likely continue to keep 
doing that job for at least as long as a typical mortgage.

And if, in ten years, you can buy a comparable battery for, say, a mere $1,000? 
Well, then, we're _all_ that much wealthier.

That's the great thing about alternative energy investments: barring complete 
loss, you basically can't lose. With my solar panels, I effectively pre-bought 
several years worth of electricity at then-market rates. Everything after that 
is free electricity. If rates go up, I win even bigger because I'm not spending 
that money. Rates aren't going to go down, but, even if they do, that means 
that other goods and services made using that electricity will be cheaper. My 
own payoff time may be theoretically stretched out...but that's already money 
under the bridge and I was happy to pay what I felt was a fair price at the 

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