What SC offers is a way for homeowners who are not flush to get something
in the way of renewable energy going.  It you are just scraping by, you can
build a purpose made structure for PV, you may not even have the credit or
collateral  for a $15k or $20 financed installation.

So yes it is lacks the greatest return, but the fact it is possible at all
makes it pretty wonderful. You simply agree to the process and your power
bill drops.  You don't have to understand much - that means yt]ou can go to
work , or soccer practice, or your second job instead of researching PV and
rate schedules.

Not optimal?  Not everyone can get optimal.

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 7:26 AM, jerry freedomev via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

>              Hi Cor and All,                  Fact is as much as I like SC
> leasing is very expensive compared to owning.  SC makes almost ALL the
> money though makes clean power which isn't bad.                 But the low
> cost high profit way owning is far better with paybacks in many places
> under 3, even 2 yrs or places like Hawaii, 1 yr.                 How is
> cutting out all the parasites by buying the parts, kits from places like
> sunelec/dmsolar and having a local electrician to permit, install or do
> your own.  This comes under $2k/kw. No reason to pay more.
> Next don't put it on the house roof unless the only choice. Much better to
> make a porch, carport, patio, awnings, shed, etc added value while avoiding
> huge engineering fees and making it easier to clean, maintain and
> install.               Done right the added value of say a carport or shed
> and solar system  could increase the home's value several x's cost making
> it very profitable from day 1.               As for Tesla's battery it can
> make a profit in places like Cal Time of Day pricing, other higher rate
> areas, but really too costly.   It needs to be under $200/kwhr and soon as
> Tesla/SC makes the market, many other stationary battery types under that
> price, many with unlimited life, will pop up.              Sadly most
> utilities don't understand how DG, home solar can work with them to lower
> their cost supplying near pollution free power.  US utilities are going to
> keep shrinking, they have for yrs, and need to plan on generating a lot
> less, transporting others power to make profit or they will go bankrupt as
> few will keep paying more for polluting power when the solution is a phone
> call away.              Not just producing your home's energy needs but
> freeing one from ever higher transport fuel costs with EV's as part of the
> system lowers energy costs 50-75% with little pollution, is a hard to beat
> energy future.                            Jerry Dycus
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Michael E. Ross
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