A Leaf is never really "off". It turns off the displays and indicators etc. but there is communication, the BMS, and who knows how many computers that are always on. My SL model "phones in" when it is fully charged, unplugged, a/c turned on, etc.

The 2011 would run down the 12 volt accessory battery, but they upgraded the software in 2012 to check the accessory system voltage and turn on the DC-DC periodically to keep the 12 volt topped up when the car is "off". They added the small solar charger (on some models) to help with the 12 volt system "off" draw as well.

If the 12 volt battery is going dead in your 2012 and up, there is something broken. You can check the voltage on your 12v accessory battery and check the draw with a DC clamp-on. Likey something is staying "on" when it should be switching "off" when you exit the car. Glove box light? Trunk light?

Here is the normal 12 volt current draw from the Leaf owner's forum:

    - For the first ten minutes or so the car drew 330mA.
- After about 10 minutes, the tare current dropped to a lower value. It normally sat at 15mA, but pulsed up to 24mA every two seconds or so. - Occasionally it would rise up to 115mA for a few seconds. I do not know how often this occurs.

Also, if you store your Leaf unplugged with only a few bars of capacity, it may decide not the charge 12 volt. You should leave it plugged in if you are going away for several weeks.

Bill D.

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