Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 08:38:03 -0400
   From: EVDL Administrator via EV <>

   Given that, my questions would be:

   1. Why does it need to talk to their servers at all?  

I don't know why they did it this way.  I would be much happier if I could
communicate directly with the box, without going through their servers.

   3. What happens to it if Emotorworks goes out of business?

I think if Emotorwerks goes out of business, you either have to do a
bunch of technical work or your box has effectively been downgraded to
the model without digital communications, in which case you have wasted

   If they've encrypted its software (many do) and you reverse-engineer it to 
   get it working again, or to make it work the way you want it to, you're in 
   violation of the DMCA and they can sic the law on you.

They claim it is open source, so presumably there is no legal issue.  But
this claim does not seem to come with any actual access to the source,
so in terms of practical value it may be meaningless.

   The nice thing about EV conversions is that they don't need fancy $600 
   networked online charging cords.  They do just fine with a $50 SJ cord and 
   plug, and a 240v or 120v receptacle.

That's true, but on the other hand all J1772 chargers have to obey a
single standard for limiting the charging rate, whereas the chargers
used in conversions all have (or don't have) their own procedures for
doing this.

   Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 07:56:11 -0500
   From: Willie2 via EV <>

   ...One major, for me, problem is that the display they use on
   chargers and the premium JBs is very difficult to read.

Fortunately (?) for me, my unit does not have the display.

   Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 11:37:01 -0400
   From: Jay Summet via EV <>
   My understanding is that once you set the charging amp limit, it will 
   not change until you modify the setting again.

If this were true, I would not be having this problem.  The charging
limit is stored on the the server.  Once you set it, the server will
always remember it.  But under certain circumstances (I wish I knew
exactly which), when the box can't reach the server, it forgets the

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