Roland via EV wrote:
A dead 12 volt battery is the problem when you have your control
circuits in your EV run by 12 volts.  My first EV that I received
back in 1976 and still have it today, uses LINE voltage to run all
the control circuits.  LINE voltage is the same voltage as the main

I've wondered about this as well. Why keep the legacy 12v battery in an EV? Design all the lights, motors, and electronics to run on pack voltage, and eliminate the 12v battery, its charging circuits, and problems.

- No more reliability headaches from a dead 12v battery. (If the HV
  pack is dead, you're not driving anyway.)
- Lights, motors, and electronics are more efficient at higher voltages.
- Saves weight. DC/DC converters and inverters are much lighter than
  12v batteries. HV wiring can be thinner and lighter.

Many industrial EVs are built with no 12v battery. They use pack voltage directly to run their motor controllers, contactors, lights, and accessories.

"IC chip performance doubles every 18 months." -- Moore's law
"The speed of software halves every 18 months." -- Gates' law
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,
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