I happen to prefer smaller cars, despite being pretty tall.
I used to have a colleague who was 7 ft tall and still drove an average midsize 
The only thing he did when buying a different car, was to move his specially 
made driver seat to the new car.

The joke with the extreme compact cars such as Fiat 500 and that Honda 600 and 
others, was that you would not get in or out the car, but you put it on (as a 

My wife also prefers a small car for her daily criss-crossing all over Silicon 
Valley, she was very happy when I informed her that I had found a nice 2013 
Prius C to replace her aging “Classic” 2002 Prius.
She has looked at the Bolt and that would be the only vehicle that she would 
accept as EV, having both the range that she needs to complete a day of visits 
and is still small enough, but larger than she would like. Her dream is a Tesla 
Roadster, we don’t want to spend the budget on that.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: EVDL Administrator via EV
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2019 12:35 AM
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Cc: EVDL Administrator
Subject: Re: [EVDL] tesla to close stores, sell online only

On 10 Mar 2019 at 21:18, jim--- via EV wrote:

> However one of the big ones would be if I fit in the vehicle. 

I'm pretty much average sized by current US standards, and I can't think of 
a vehicle I have serious trouble getting into or out of.  So I don't worry 
too much about that.  I do understand that it's a problem for some folks.

But every time I hear someone else say that he has trouble fitting into a 
vehicle, I think of the fellow I watched unfold himself from a Honda 600 
coupe in 1973.  He was at least half a head taller than I was - I was then 
already 6' 0" - and probably weighed at least 250lb, maybe closer to 280.

I don't know what that says about either the driver or the car then, or 
about drivers and cars today, but I find it intriguing.

It may be a moot point though, since it appears that the trend in EVs is 
toward SUVs and crossovers, just as in ICEVs.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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