brucedp5 via EV wrote:
it boils down to how many range-miles you have left, how many
range-miles you need to put back-in to get to the next EVSE, and how much
time you have to charge?

Overnight sleep or @work, plan to charge for at least 7 hours. L1 might
regain you (3.5mph*7= ) ~25 miles of range.

It's not quite that bad. Our Nissan Leaf gets about 4 miles per KWH. L1 charges at about 1.44 KW. That's about 5.6 miles range per hour, or 40 miles for 7 hours of charging.

Charging efficiency will reduce this a bit. But then, most full-time jobs will have your EV charging for 8 or more hours a day.

*Only buy an EV with a L2-6kW (j1772) charging capability that also has a
L3(quick) charging port.

Maybe if you live in California. Where I live, there aren't any L3 EVSE's within range of my EVs.

My home EVSE preference:: have a L2-6kW (j1172) or a L2-10kW (Tesla) hpwc (=
no surprises you can always get a good/solid charge).

I do 99% of my charging on L1, in my own garage. That's been fine for me!

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Geniuses remove it. -- Alan Perlis, "Epigrams on Programming"
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,
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