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Willie sez >Bruce, I believe, 
-comes from the experience of NEVER being able to charge as fast as desired. 
-I see that as mostly an insufficient battery size problem. 
Of course, in "Bruce's day", 50 mile ranges were very rare ...<

-using lee's words: It's not quite that ...
My desire is not just fast, but slow, and quick as well. 
I see the need of today's EV driver to have the  capability  to be able to
charge at any of the three charging levels. Same as it crucial for a tool
kit/belt/box to have several tools (not just the one L1-charging tool). How
often you use a charging level, is less as important as always having the
ability to charge at any level. Plus, that flexible charging ability helps
with EV-resale value.

-While I have a long-long past of EV experiences, when I write IMO, it is
with  today's EV driver  in mind. I would not be of much use as an EVangel
if I were  stuck-in-the-past  with old EV tech thinking. 

EV-noobs might read Willie's words  "Bruce's day"  as a (snarky,
I-drive-a-Tesla) dig that I am behind the curve. 
For the record,  "Bruce's day"  is  today's  production EV.
When each EV improvement occurred, I re-adjusted to that new EV-standard. As
a good EVangel, I speak with  today's EV buyer  in mind.

btw, I take no-hard-feelings from Willie's words. It is the same thing that
occurred way-way back in the posh-elitism days by GM EV1-club members. Their 
better-than-your-EV  attitude did not go away when their EV1s were ripped
away from owners to be crushed by GM. The drivers just switched by buying up
every RAV4-EV(gen1) they could. 
No ... its all too easy to let that type of (subconscious) wording slip-out. 

Most people have no-idea how much I know, how much I've done, or where my
EV-support-head is at (as it is just too easy to think that I have
old-corroded/rusty EV-conversion thinking, when the best range of a 1990's
lead-acid wet-cell pack EV was ~50mi @a steady 55mph). That was then, now is
... now/today.

For the record, as each new production EV came available, I used my former
press-credentials to test-drive each one of those EVs, at the many EVS-##
symposiums (aka EDTA electricdrive.org 

Also, those press-credentials allowed me to sign-my-life-away, to drive
SF-CA utility's (pge.com) production EVs for several days: Nissan Altra,
Honda-EVplus, RAV4-EV(gen1), +more. 
Out my own pocket, I also  rented a GM EV1 ($100/day @LAX 
) for a week, to attend the CARB workshop#2 + SCAQMD meeting in Rosemead-CA,
where GM made their announcement that they were killing their EV1 program
and would just give-away golf-cars to earn CARB credits.

No ... I have done many-many EV things that people have no-idea I've done,
or they have forgotten about them. But, I've always had  today's EV buyer 
in mind when I speak to the public. 
"Bruce's day"  is  today's EV .


No one seemed to notice I added a break down of purchase cost to range
ratio. The best was Kona EV, but the Tesla-3 w/ long-range option was good
too (pay-more= get-more):

Hyundai Kona Electric: 258 Miles [415km,US$36.5k+$ ($142/mi)]

Chevy Bolt EV: 238 miles [383km,US$36.6k+$ ($154/mi)]

Tesla Model 3: 310 Miles [500km,long-range US$49k+ ($158/mi)]

Nissan Leaf e +: 226 miles [364km,US$37.5k+$ ($166/mi)]

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