On 4/1/19 12:01 PM, Lee Hart via EV wrote:
brucedp5 via EV wrote:
it boils down to how many range-miles you have left, how many
range-miles you need to put back-in to get to the next EVSE, and how much
time you have to charge?

Overnight sleep or @work, plan to charge for at least 7 hours. L1 might
regain you (3.5mph*7= ) ~25 miles of range.

It's not quite that bad. Our Nissan Leaf gets about 4 miles per KWH. L1 charges at about 1.44 KW. That's about 5.6 miles range per hour, or 40 miles for 7 hours of charging.

Charging efficiency will reduce this a bit. But then, most full-time jobs will have your EV charging for 8 or more hours a day.

*Only buy an EV with a L2-6kW (j1772) charging capability that also has a
L3(quick) charging port.

Maybe if you live in California. Where I live, there aren't any L3 EVSE's within range of my EVs.

I failed to buy the extra cost chademo connection on my 2011 Leaf. Never regretted. The Leaf battery died LONG before I ever saw a chademo charger. My imievs have chademo but I have used them only to test. Were it not for the Tesla, I would likely use some chademo charging but the charge stations are miles from where I want to go and the costs are very high; higher than gasoline, I believe.

My home EVSE preference:: have a L2-6kW (j1172) or a L2-10kW (Tesla) hpwc (=
no surprises you can always get a good/solid charge).

I do 99% of my charging on L1, in my own garage. That's been fine for me!

You apparently fit my template for battery sizing. I believe your battery size should cover ~95% of your daily trips. Even modest power L2 charging will fully recharge most any EV overnight.

Bruce, I believe, comes from the experience of NEVER being able to charge as fast as desired. I see that as mostly an insufficient battery size problem. Of course, in "Bruce's day", 50 mile ranges were very rare.

My 95 percentile range was about 100 miles. The Leaf served fairly well until the battery declined. The imievs are used only for 50-60 mile days; about 80% of my days. I've NEVER felt the need to charge a Tesla away from home for other than overnight trips.
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