paul dove via EV wrote:
I don't believe that is true. I think it's just arrogance like when GM axed the 
EV1. Read the book The car that could to get a glimpse of the GM culture. 
Toyota has an enormous amount of clout in Japanese government, business and 
banking circles. Toyota pretty much gets what it wants from Japan's senior 
political figures.

I second that notion. :-)

It's not exactly arrogance. I'd say it's more like stubborness, conservatism, and corporate culture. Large corporations have an enormous amount of inertia and resistance to change. I've worked for large corporations, and seen this in action. Every single person in the room believes that "A" is the correct course of action; but they all agree to do "B" because it's what the corporation would want. No one will dare to stick his neck out and go against "the system".

The Japanese political/industrial system exaggerates this even more. Look into the Fukushima disaster for an example of how this plays out.

In software development, there are two kinds of error: Conceptual
errors, implementation errors, and off-by-one errors. (anonymous)
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,
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