I think people get confused with the term balancing. It is pretty much a carry 
over from lead acid batteries where the take all the cells to boiling to get 
them to the same voltage at the end of charge. It doesn't apply to Lithium 
since this is derogatory to cell life.
I believe what people are experiencing is the algorithm built into the system 
that keeps up with capacity from all the data, current, voltage, sag, internal 
resistance, temperature........ after a while of short discharges and charges 
the capacity value can get off from actual battery capacity and it gets 
corrected when you do a deeper discharge.
If any balancing is going on it happens every time you charge... most likely or 
when close to fully charged. Maybe some guys who actual take cell data can shed 
some light on this but I don't think this is affecting capacity much.

    On Saturday, June 29, 2019, 5:44:55 PM CDT, brucedp5 via EV 
<ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:  
 It took some digging, but I found a EVLN post I made back in Aug 2015 that
might shed some light on this topic, see

 ... Lost capacity may be restored by “balancing the pack”—that is, charging
it to 100 percent to make sure that each of the cells is fully topped off.

Tesla, of course, is mum on the subject; I’ve never seen any official word
on pack balancing, and the company officially recommends against charging to
100 percent unless maximum range is necessary.

The Model S fan site Teslarati, however,  recommends charging the pack to
100 percent every three months or so.

When I asked at my local Tesla Service Center about “pack balancing”, I was
told they did it all the time.

“Discharge it as close as you can to zero, and then charge it as slow as
possible all the way up to 100 percent,” I was told. “You’ll probably get
some capacity back.”

It works!

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