Mark, last time a discussion like this came up, I pressed you for exact references to back up your claims. You failed. Why are you pushing this again ? I'm truly glad you are excited about new technologies and I believe there are places for hydrogen as a fuel, just not for EVs.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Lawrence Rhodes via EV" <>
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>; "Mark Abramowitz" <>
Cc: "Lawrence Rhodes" <>
Sent: 01-Dec-19 8:53:29 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Fw: [NEVs] California’s Clean Vehicle Rebate Program

 All hydrogen comes from natural gas.  That is a fossil fuel.  You are full of 
it.  Lawrence Rhodes

    On Sunday, December 1, 2019, 1:12:42 PM PST, Mark Abramowitz 
<> wrote:

 I don’t believe that government funding of hydrogen or battery zero emission 
technologies are a  waste - it’s needed to clean the air.

I will refer you to SIP for California to find out why funding has been needed 
for battery and fuel cell technologies.

I won’t get into the whether the sizing and scale of EVSE is appropriate, 
except to point out that this happens with all technologies.

You are incorrect when you say that hydrogen does not produce greenhouse gas 
reductions. The US DOE has run models which show significant reductions, though 
those would be US centric. I’m sure Canada has run similar numbers. The problem 
is that your assumptions have generally all been incorrect.

 Sorry, but I’m sure you will understand when I say that I won’t refer anyone 
to your book. I haven’t read it, but if what you’ve peddled here is a taste, I 
have a better reputation for providing people with straightforward and accurate 

- Mark

Sent from my Fuel Cell powered iPhone

 On Dec 1, 2019, at 7:11 AM, Lawrence Rhodes via EV <> wrote:

 I agree government funding of hydrogen as a fuel is a waste of money.
 Sadly, it's always taxpayer money, because the oil and gas industry
 knows the idea is a loser, so won't pay to develop the technology or
 infrastructure itself.  I think that could be the basis of a key
 argument:  if hydrogen fuelling is such a great idea, why isn't the
 'energy' industry paying to build it out themselves?  Why is government
 assistance appropriate for this massively expensive build?  They didn't
 need government assistance to build gas stations.

 In Canada, our federal government is ponying up peanuts now for an
 inter-city charging installation, at exactly the wrong time.  They're
 investing in 50 kW stations just as the private sector is ramping up to
 150 kW stations, with 300 kW on the horizon.  And the program that was
 intended for EV charging stations is spending more on hydrogen fuelling
 stations, all under the GHG reductions banner - highly misleading in the
 case of hydrogen made from fossil and fracked natural gas.

 If it's any help, you could point legislators' offices to my book.  The
 ebook version is just US$6.

 On 12/1/2019 8:47 AM, wrote:

 1. California’s Clean Vehicle Rebate Program
      Posted by: "Lawrence Rhodes" lawrencerhodes1
      Date: Sat Nov 30, 2019 1:16 pm ((PST))

 This new round of incentives favors hydrogen with double the money.  This is a 
horrible waste.  If you live in California please contact your 
assemblyman/senator/govenor and lt. govenor. Maybe mention the hype about 
hydrogen or other educational articles refuting hydrogen.  Our legislators must 
be educated. Lawrence Rhodes

 Darryl McMahon
 Freelance Project Manager (sustainable systems)
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