I, also, think this is good advice. However, be careful not to elevate your temperature too much or you will cause damage to your cells, particularly in the brain - starting around 104F, I think.


------ Original Message ------
From: "jerry freedomev via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Cc: "jerry freedomev" <freedo...@yahoo.com>
Sent: 19-Mar-20 2:29:35 AM
Subject: [EVDL] OT Possible way to get rid of COVID-19 , colds, flu...

  Hi All,       Sorry about OT but this seems too important not to post now.  
This is an e mail I sent to a friend might be of help to you, your family.  If 
any doctors want to comment please do as I'm not one, just has long worked for 

Hi John, I actually have a possible cure for virus' that worked again last week. Your immune system is turned on by high body temp, thus why you get a fever. What I do if I get sick is wrap up as hot as can stand when I go to bed and when I wake up 90% of the time I've been well for 3 decades now. Sweating is good so make sure you stay hydrated so you can sweat safely.My sister-in-law I care for gave it to me after she caught it from a doctor's appointment. I got rid of it the first night.. We match all the symptoms except fever. So if you, your wife gets sick from any body infection, especially virus', maybe give it a try. And don't take aspirin, etc fever reducers as you want a high temp unless gets too high say 103f and then only enough to lower it some.. And remember many drugs have a fever reducer mixed it.Though for this virus they say don't come in until 104F which is rather high for people over 50, hard to do.. As we age our bodies need more help as doesn't react
as well as when young .

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