In support of Jerry, I found this medical reference.

In brief:

to supress fever - makes the subject more confortable, reduces metabolism (but this isn't proven to be beneficial), acute brain injury.

to "let it ride" - enhances immune-cell function.


------ Original Message ------
From: "jerry freedomev via EV" <>
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>
Cc: "jerry freedomev" <>; "EVDL Administrator" <>
Sent: 19-Mar-20 12:14:12 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] OT Possible way to get rid of COVID-19 , colds, flu...

 Hi David and ALL,  The only problem with your way is it overwhelms the health 
system fast which it can't handle causing many more to die.   Since you'd do 
the hot sleeping at first symptom, I do it to stop my suffering anyway as any 
flu, cold, virus is no fun  and well before one should be calling doctors and 
hospitals, it's hard for it to do harm if you stay hydrated and temp doesn't 
get too high..  And works for me with whatever virus, other infections so if 
works, solves the problem.  You'll know in the morning or after 8hrs of hot 
sleep.Though if testing is widely available without hurting doctors, nurses, 
patients that truly need it now and being done for surveillance anyway, yes get 
tested will likely be 6 weeks away or longer.. Personally I'd rather get rid of 
whatever it is tonight  than getting tested and suffer days which won't be 
widely available in the way I said for 1.5 months at least.So unless you need a 
hospital to breathe, we for the next 6-8 weeks at least, are o
n our own to keep from overwhelming the system for those that could die and 
healthcare workers that are going to get sick should have first priority.  Plus 
tell which health workers are sick before they infect others like at the bad 
nursing home where so many died.Too bad Trump didn't buy the WHO tests and 
still hasn't or let since Jan1 uni, hospitals and the private sector make tests 
were begging to do, until last week.We'd have had all the tests we needed and 
10% of the problem if Trump hadn't stopped them.. Luckily most ignored him and 
did the work anyway which is where the big jump in testing is coming from 
finally.Jerry Dycus
    On Thursday, March 19, 2020, 10:10:43 AM EDT, EVDL Administrator via EV 
<> wrote:

 I'm not saying this advice is right or wrong, but as with any similar
situation, a lot of misinformation and speculation is going round.  Be

If you get sick, please don't assume (1) that it's C-19; and (2) that if it
is, you can treat it yourself.  Call the doctor's office or hospital and get
going, get tested, get treated.  This virus can give you pneumonia,  which a
friend of mine who had it (pneumonia) said is unsettlingly similar to

As for the idea of converting Tesla to make ventilators, it's an interesting
idea, and we need ventilators pretty badly.  I have some doubts that many
people will be buying Evs or any vehicles for a while.  I guess the
precedent would be all the factories converted to airplane production during
the second world war.  I have no idea whether it would really help this

Elon Musk often tackles such challenges with intensity and enthusiasm, so he
just might be able to make it go.  His drive is one thing I admire about
him.  But things didn't work out so well with his submarine idea for the
flooded cave rescue in Thailand, so maybe some caution is called for.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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