I think there are several points not being said - or asked.

1. What does "last" mean? 99% capacity, 90%, 70%.
2. What is the comparison between +10% cost for this supposed product and using only 70% capacity of the current battery in your car - meaning you overpaid by 30%. 3. How much more value is left in the battery after 300K miles of use - for repurposing as grid storge, e.g.


------ Original Message ------
From: "EVDL Administrator via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Cc: "EVDL Administrator" <evp...@drmm.net>
Sent: 09-Jun-20 2:28:00 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Million Mile Battery

On 9 Jun 2020 at 9:52, moskowitz via EV wrote:

 Extending that lifespan is viewed as a key advance because the pack could be
 reused in a second vehicle.

This sounds great IF IT ACTUALLY HAPPENS.  Still, I have some trouble seeing
such a gigantic cycle life increase as a significant advantage for the
typical EV owner.

First, there's that 16 year time limit.  The average person isn't going to
put much more than 300,000 miles (if that) on a vehicle in 16 years.  So
that, not a million miles, is the real world lifespan, at least in a
consumer vehicle.

Second, when the average person buys a new car, he expects to get a 100% new
car.  I don't see much market for putting used batteries in new cars.  I
could be wrong.

It might have more value for very high mileage use, such as taxicabs (if
they survive) or OTR trucks.

 It would cost about 10% more than the batteries now inside EVs, said

In the capitalist world, the cost to produce something is only distantly
related to what it costs the buyer. Rather, it's "how much can I get for

A million mile battery may only cost 10% more to manufacture, but you and I
won't pay 10% more for it.  I expect that a million mile battery (if it
actually arrives) will cost something between 2 and 6 times as much as a
150,000 mile battery.  The main financial advantage will go to big
institutional investors, not to us consumers.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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