One more thing... looks like he's not on Plone 3.x, given the lack of a "only in this section" search checkbox. But then again he may not want to be told that he should try to upgrade. :-/

On Nov 2, 2008, at 12:03 PM, Karl Horak wrote:

While trolling the web for Plone stats, I came across a seriously negative webpage (on a Plone site!?) obviously by a frustrated Plone user. His web
posting is titled "Operation Ditch Plone."  Please see . This item is a Sept. 2008 posting with nothing new being added recently, so there may be
time for a positive intervention.  This brings to mind two issues.

1) Specifically, how can the Plone community reach out and help Howard and
his users?  Can this Plone site be saved?

2) More generally, how can we locate and identify frustrated Plone admins and mitigate any negativity? Can we set up a formal process to track sites in danger of falling off the Plone wagon? Would it be possible to assign a
POC who could act as a liaison between their admin(s) and Plone tech

I think it would be valuable if the Plone community had a process that
tracks frustrated users and implementers, reach out to them even when they haven't asked or don't know how to ask for help, give them the TLC they
need, and minimize the consequences of failed Plone projects.

Some of the input that identifies floundering Plone sites would come from the technical support lists and channels, but some could come from people
who stumble upon negative blogs and rants on the web.

I'd appreciate hearing from others about if and/or how we should be
attempting this. If someone with a stronger server admin background wants
to help Howard directly, I'd appreciate hearing about that, too.
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