Ciao Godefroid! :)

Unfortunately Dylan is right..

Plone is pushed on the "low" side of the chart.. and is not on "ECM" line, but *only* on "Enterprise Portal", "Web Content Management" and "Social Software and Collaboration" lines,
which connotates Plone as quite peculiar.

What i feel about the *why": probably they take into account just the Plone out-of-the-box experience,
which to be considered an ECM at version 3.x is missing at least:

- a good *blobs story* out-of-the-box (which version 4 is solving really well)

- a good *index&search story*, which we can deploy only thanks to extensions (collective.solr above all the rest..)

my 2c,


Il giorno 04/dic/09, alle ore 08:45, Godefroid Chapelle ha scritto:

Dylan Jay wrote:
On 04/12/2009, at 4:43 PM, Massimo Azzolini wrote:
On Thursday, December 3, 2009, Dylan Jay <> wrote:
Anyone know why Plone gets excluded from ECM?

It's on left bottom corner of the map
Plone is listed on 3 different axles but isn't listed as a "enterprise content management". The question is why? and what do we have to do to get considered as an ECM by cmsmatrix. That would put Plone into the center with the big boys.

Hey Dylan,

Don't be that paranoid(*) ! Massimo is telling you that Plone is on the ECM 'line'. Look again.

* Being in that paranoia camp for so long, I alow myself to use the word. If you feel offensed, receive my apologies.
Godefroid Chapelle (aka __gotcha)

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