Rich Sands wrote:
I wonder what it would take to organize a dev-room next year. I know it is a 
lot of work getting al the speakers lined up and publicizing it but it can 
really pay off with a big surge of interest in the platform.
Dave Cross can probably tell you more about his experience some years ago. He got a devroom for Perl back in 2005 (I think). I tried to get one for two years (2007-2008), but the candidature was rejected. I suspect the Fosdem organizers don't like giving devrooms to programming languages as php, Python or Perl but prefer projects like Ruby on Rails, Drupal etc. I've seen that some devrooms were shared by different projects (one saturday, the other sunday). Maybe we should propose a devroom for 1 day dedicated to Catalyst and DBIx::Class and/or other projects ?

Did anyone take any pictures? Anyone blog or planning to blog?
we've put some on twitpic during the event ! tags: #fosdem and #perl

Erik Colson

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