Hi Ovid, Gabor, All

Indeed you are absolutely right. Let's drop this kind of statement in
the future.

Gabor, All,

About finding expert developers... well that's an argument that can be
applied to nearly any programming language pushed to a high technical
level. And in a slightly different form often also applied in a
counterargument for linux as to finding good to expert open source
system engineers.

In my experience it is hard to find good perl developers because any
good developer in whatever language doesn't stay without a job for a
long time.

Of course it doesn't help that perl is not taught as much in computer
science classes as cobol or java for example. We don't just deliver
off the shelves fresh from school hundreds of coders.

That's an issue. However I have seen several good programmers switch
to perl rather swiftly if correctly coached. This is definitely a

How could we get the general young school public at least familiar
with modern perl as a second or third programming language? At Fosdem
several students considered perl as a nice pet project to start with
besides their official curriculum.


2010/2/10 Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com>:
>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> From: Uri Guttman <u...@stemsystems.com>
>>> we have a reputation of perl hackers being smarter on average than other
>>> language coders. in particular this is true with php coders (which seems
>>> to attract non-coders and lesser types! :).
> Ovid already reacted to this but let me also add my own little warnings:
> No one wants to hear that others are (or rather think themselves)
> smarter than him/her or his/her community.
> Actually the reputation I heard is that Perl *requires* developers to be 
> experts
> and that drives away corporations, managers and in general people who are
> responsible for hiring as that means they cannot hire new grads and expect 
> them
> to learn Perl and that makes it more risky to base their company on Perl.
> Gabor

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