jdd wrote:

> Le 11/04/2016 10:40, Axel Braun a écrit :
>> Personally I'm happy with using 13.1 on older hardware, but under the
>> above light, maybe it is worth to discuss this again?
> may be it's better to support more 13.1?

Given the limited resources, I think that is the right answer, no matter
how much I would like to see 13.2 live a long life. 

> *every* new release is considered bad and the previous better...

Um, 13.2 was/is definitely better than 13.1, the same goes for 12.3 >
12.2 > 12.1.  In my opinion/experience.

> If one needs really stability for large desktop number, may be it
> should go to SLED.
> I'm pretty sure than Leap will be very stable for a very long time.
> Now it's 6 month old and the initial problems should have stopped.

They _should_ have, but they haven't.  In my opinion, Leap421 is not in
a state yet where it can be given to grandmum and grandson.  (not to
mention regular office staff).

> Of course it's only my feeling. 13.1 or 13.2 are good only for one
> year from now on. I personally expect to move my 13.1 server to Leap
> this summer

Once things are in production, they live on for much, much longer.  Only
just this weekend, I was finally able to retire an ancient box still
running SuSE Linux 8.2. 

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