1Z wrote:
> David Nyman wrote:
>>Well, if 'experience' is the fact of *being* differentiable existence,
>>and 'the physical' is the observable relations thereof, then both
>>ultimately 'supervene' on there being something rather than nothing.
> No. There being something rather than nothing is only
> 1 buit of  information: not enough for a universe to
> supervene on.

This may not be the problem you think it is.  In quantum mechanics there can 
be negative information and there are some (speculative) theories of the 
universe that have it originating from at state with only one bit of 
information.  Then complexity we see is due to the separation of entangled 
states by the inflation of the universe.  Unitary evolution of the 
wave-function of the universe must preserve information.  In these theories, 
as my friend Yonatan Fishman put it, "The universe is just nothing, rearranged."

Brent Meeker

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