Johnathan Corgan wrote:
> Brent Meeker wrote:
>>>These questions may reduce to something like, "Is there a lower limit to
>>>the amplitude of the SWE?"
>>>If measure is infinitely divisible, then is there any natural scale to
>>>its absolute value?
>>I think it is not and there is a lower limit below which cross terms in the 
>>matrix must be strictly (not just FAPP) zero.  The Planck scale provides a 
>>bound on fundamental physical values.  So it makes sense to me that treating 
>>probability measures as a continuum is no more than a convenient 
>>approximation.  But 
>>I have no idea how to make that precise and testable.
> Having measure ultimately having a fixed lower limit would I think be
> fatal to QTI.  But, consider the following:
> At every successive moment our measure is decreasing, possibly by a very
> large fraction, depending on how you count it. Every moment we branch
> into only one of a huge number of possibilities.  A "moment" here is on
> the order a Planck time unit.

First, it may not be such a large factor.  All nearby trajectories in 
space constructively interfere to produce quasi-classical evolution in certain 
So if we are essentially classical and I think we are (c.f. Tegmark's paper on 
brain) then "we" are not decreasing in measure by MWI splitting on a Planckian 
even millisecond time scale.  The evolution of our world is mostly 

Second, if there is a lower limit on the interference terms in the SE of the 
universe, then the density matrix gets diagonalized.  Then the MWI goes away.  
QM is, 
as Omnes' says, a probabilistic theory and it predicts probabilities.  
mean something happens and other things don't.  So we don't risk vanishing.  
The fact 
that our probability seems to become vanishingly small is only a artifact of 
what we 
take as the domain of possibilities and it is no different than our 
improbability pre-QM.

But undoubtedly there are mathematical difficulties with assuming a lower bound 
probabilities.  All our mathematics and theory has been built around continuous 
variables for the very good reason that it seems overwhelmingly difficult to do 
physics in discrete variables - just look at how messy numerical solution of 
differential equations is compared to the equations themselves.

Brent Meeker

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