Jason writes:

> William wrote:
> > A simple way of picturing this, would be that at the big bang; the
> > universe is 1 piece of paper, and from then on, every second, the
> > piece(s) of paper is cut in half; giving 1, 2, 4, 8, ... universes. The
> > total area of paper remains the same and all the pieces get smaller all
> > the time, this means that the chance of being in a particular universe
> > as the universe splitting progresses, even decreases :).
> I consider this a very insightful way of looking at it.  Starting with
> the universe's intitial conditions defined to have probability 1, every
> branched history that follows will occur with some fractional
> probability, and the sum of all the histories in any single point of
> time will all have equal probabilities.  In effect every point of time
> would be equally weighted statistically.

But your measure in the forward time direction will still be decreasing as 
versions of you die off.

Stathis Papaioannou
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