Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Le 18-févr.-07, à 13:57, Mark Peaty a écrit :
>     My main problem with Comp is that it needs several unprovable
>     assumptions to be accepted. For example the Yes Doctor hypothesis,
>     wherein it is assumed that it must be possible to digitally emulate
>     some or all of a person's body/brain function and the person will
>     not notice any difference. The Yes Doctor hypothesis is a particular
>     case of the digital emulation hypothesis in which it is asserted
>     that, basically, ANYTHING can be digitally emulated if one had
>     enough computational resources available. As this seems to me to be
>     almost a version of Comp [at least as far as I have got with reading
>     Bruno's exposition] then from my simple minded perspective it looks
>     rather like assuming the very thing that needs to be demonstrated.
> I disagree. The main basic lesson from the UDA is that IF I am a machine 
> (whatever I am) then the universe (whatever the universe is) cannot be a 
> machine.
> Except if I am (literaly) the universe (which I assume to be false).
> If I survive classical teleportation, then the physical appearances 
> emerge from a randomization of all my consistent continuations, 

What characterizes a consistent continuation?  Does this refer to one's memory 
and self-identity or does it mean consistent with the unfolding of some 
algorithm or does it mean consistent with some physical "law" like unitary 
evolution in Hilbert space?

>and this 
> is enough for explaining why comp predicts that the "physical 
> appearance" cannot be entirely computational (cf first person 
> indeterminacy, etc.).
> You can remember it by a slogan: If I am a machine, then (not-I) is not 
> a machine.
> Of course something like "arithmetical truth" is not a machine, or 
> cannot be produced by a machine.
> Remember that one of my goal is to show that the comp hyp is refutable. 
> A priori it entails some highly non computable things, but then computer 
> science makes it less easy to refute quickly comp, and empiry (the 
> quantum) seems to assess comp, until now.
>     However, as far as I can see it is inherent in the nature of
>     consciousness to reify something.
> Well, it depends what you mean by reifying. I take it as a high level 
> intellectual error. When a cat pursues a mouse, it plausible that the 
> cat believes in the mouse, and reify it in a sense. If that is your 
> sense of reifying, then I am ok with the idea that consciousness reifies 
> things.
> But I prefer to use "reifying" more technically for making existing 
> something primitively, despite existence of phenomenological explanation.
> Let me be clear, because it could be confusing. A computationalist can 
> guess there is a universe, atoms, etc. He cannot remain consistent if he 
> believes the universe emerge from its parts, that the universe is made 
> of atoms, etc.

You are saying that these beliefs entail a logical contradiction.  What is that 

Brent Meeker

>     I appreciate that the UDA and related treatments in mathematical
>     philosophy, can be rigorous, and enormously potent in their
>     implications for further speculation and development within their
>     universe of discourse, but I remain very sceptical of any advertised
>     potential to bootstrap the rest of the universe.
> I agree with you. But a thorough understanding of UDA would add 
> substance to your skepticism. With comp, the more we know about the 
> universe, the more we know we are ignorant about it. It is related with 
> the G* minus G gap. Although you can go from G (science) toward G* 
> (correct faith), when you do that, you will discover many genuine new 
> things, but the gap between G and G* will be made greater too. In 
> computerland, it is like each time you see a new star or galaxy, then 
> necessarily bigger things are forced to exist. The more you explore, the 
> more it remains to be explored, necessarily so. Understanding comp and 
> uda makes you infinitely more modest than we are used to think.
> I must go,
> Regards,
> Bruno
> > 

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