Mark Peaty wrote:
> Brent: '
> the simulation doesn't have to simulate the whole complicated universe, 
> only the part we can investigate and understand'
> MP: as I argued in my response to Stathis, the 'part we can investigate 
> and understand' can be ever expanding and the exactitude of our 
> understanding can in time reach just about arbitrarily fine degrees of 
> resolution. Or, which would be more the worry for 'emulators' who wished 
> to remain invisible, the emulation would need to be able to be 
> controlled to a finer resolution than scientists' contemporary 
> measurement skills.

Which scientists...ours of theirs?  

I don't disagree, but suppose the level at which we could see it was a 
simulation was the Planck scale.  This is not entirely speculative, since the 
Planck scale is where a conflict between quantum mechanics and general 
relativity must manifest itself.  If the Simulators were only interested in how 
the world operates far above that level then maybe they were sloppy and just 
left potential inconsistencies in the simulation.  The program will crash when 
we do the right experiment to reveal it.  But that level is thirty orders of 
magnitude smaller than anything we can reach now.

Brent Meeker

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