2008/11/23 Kory Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If we apply the Conway's Life rule to all the cells, it seems like the
> creatures in the grid ought to be conscious. If we don't apply the
> Life rule to any of the cells, but just pull the data from our
> previously-created lookup table, it seems like the creatures in the
> grid are not conscious. But if we apply the Life rule to half of the
> cells and pull the other half from the lookup table, there will
> (probably) be some creature in the grid who has half of the cells in
> its brain being computed by the Life rule, and half being pulled from
> the lookup table. What's the status of this creature's consciousness?

Which leads again to the problem of partial zombies. What is your
objection to saying that the looked up computation is also conscious?
How would that be inconsistent with observation, or lead to logical

Stathis Papaioannou

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