David Nyman wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who responded to my initial sally on dreams and
> machines.  Naturally I have arrogated the right to plagiarise your
> helpful comments in what follows, which is an aphoristic synthesis of
> my understanding of the main points that have emerged thus far.  I
> hope this will be helpful for future discussion.
> We do not see the mind, we see *through* the mind.
> What we see through the mind - its contents - is mind-stuff: dreams.
> Hence dream content - i.e. whatever is capable of being present to us
> - can't be our ontology - this would be circular (the eye can't see
> itself).
Yes. This is the big issue.

(a) Descriptions of 'how it appears to us' (empirical science by the 
awake scientist!)
(b) Descriptions of 'what it is that appears to us as it does' (science 
of a noumenon)

....cannot be the same set of descriptions to the one in which 'the 
appearances' are being delivered. Especially when (b) descriptions are 
responsible for creating the way it appears in (a). Seems fairly self 
evident. Assuming (a) and (b) are identical (or that (b) is 
unapproachable)  is not justified.

The assumption in your comments is that there is/needs to be 'mind 
stuff' is wrong. /ALL/ of it is "some undescribed stuff", not just that 
resulting in mind.  The assumption in your statement is that we need 
something  extra just to explain mind pressupposes that everything else 
is sorted out. It hasn't. It never has been. The singular unique feature 
of mind is not 'stuff', it is merely the perspective of it .... first 

ask this instead....

What kind of universe is it (= wots the stuff?, (b) and its behaviour) 
such that a 'first person perspective' can result in which it appears 
(a)-ish to us all, and in particular, makes a brain look brain when it 
is delivering the first person perspective which delivers (a) to us?

Does X being self-evident classify X as an aphorism? I think not.

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