On 17 February 2010 00:06, Brent Meeker <meeke...@dslextreme.com> wrote:

> I don't see that my 1-p experience is at all "causally closed".  In fact,
> thoughts pop into my head all the time with no provenance and no hint of
> what caused them.

The problem is that if one believes that the 3-p narrative is causally
sufficient, then the "thoughts" that pop into your head - and their
consequences -  are entirely explicable in terms of some specific 3-p
rendition.  If you also "seem" to have the 1-p experience of the
"sound" of a voice in your head, this is entirely gratuitous to the
3-p "thought-process" and its consequences.  More problematic still,
neither the existence nor the experiential characteristics of 1-p
experience is computable from the confines of the 3-p narrative.  So
how can it be possible for any such narrative to *refer* to the
experiential quality of a thought?


> David Nyman wrote:
>>>  Is there a problem with the idea that 3-p can be derived from some
>>> combinatorics of many interacting 1-p's? Is there a reason why we keep
>>> trying to derive 1-p from 3-p?
>> I suspect there's a problem either way.  AFAICS the issue is that, in
>> 3-p and 1-p, there exist two irreducibly different renditions of a
>> given state of affairs (hence not "identical" in any
>> non-question-begging sense of the term). It then follows that, in
>> order to fully account for a given set of events involving both
>> renditions, you have to choose between some sort of non-interacting
>> parallelism, or the conundrum of how one "causally closed" account
>> becomes informed about the other, or the frank denial of one or the
>> other rendition.  None of these options seems satisfactory.
> I don't see that my 1-p experience is at all "causally closed".  In fact,
> thoughts pop into my head all the time with no provenance and no hint of
> what caused them.
> Brent
>> The way out would be if both 3-p and 1-p were reconcilable in terms of
>> a more fundamental level, in terms of which the special relevance of
>> each partial narrative was linked to its proper range of outcomes.  In
>> point of fact, of course, this is the "folk psychological" position,
>> and it seems all too easy simply to dismiss this as terminating in
>> naive dualism.  However, my early-morning musings include a glimmering
>> of how this might be made to work - without doing terminal violence to
>> either rendition - but unfortunately there is insufficient space in
>> the margin of this post to write it down (as yet).
>> David
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