On 23 May 2010, at 23:01, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 5/23/2010 9:32 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Hi Alex, hi Quentin,

On 20 May 2010, at 15:19, Quentin Anciaux wrote:


2010/5/20 awak <mustata_a...@yahoo.com>

1. Hello everyone! I'm Alex. I'm a civil engineer with an avid passion for Popular Science books. I'm not a scientist, nor a native English speaker, so please excuse my possible inconsistencies in both Scientific logic or English grammar. Again, sorry if this question has already been posed.

2. I've just finished reading Russel Standish's "Theory of Nothing" so the following question, concerning Quantum Immortality, has its base in the
information found in this book.

3. From what i understand, Functionalism and Computationalism implies that my consciousness will follow all the world-lines where i live at a maximum age - this considering that there might be a limit to "Quantum Immortality", even though this is in contradiction with the definition of this concept; for the purpose my question let's just say there might be some worlds where
i live until 200 yrs.

4. From Wikipedia : "Syncope (pronounced /ˈsɪŋkəpi/) is the medical term for fainting, a sudden, usually temporary, loss of consciousness generally caused by insufficient oxygen in the brain either through cerebral hypoxia or through hypotension, but possibly for other reasons. Typical symptoms progress through dizziness, clamminess of the skin, a dimming of vision or greyout, possibly tinnitus, complete loss of vision, weakness of limbs to physical collapse. These symptoms falling short of complete collapse, or a
fall down, may be referred to as a syncoptic episode."

So i take this as evidence that consciousness is not continuous.

5. MY QUESTION: "Why is this possible, for me to pass out, losing my
consciousness because of cerebral hypoxia, hypotension, or because i am hit
by someone, considering that Quantum Immortality implies continuous
consciousness"? More to that, shouldn't we find ourselves in worlds where we don't sleep (where we are semi-conscious just like dolphins are because they sleep only with half of their brains) so we don't lose consciousness?

Quantum immortality doesn't implies continuous consciousness... it just implies that there will always be a next moment. So you can passed out but you will eventually wake up.

It is an eternally recurring question/objection to many-worlders. I think Quentin is basically right, as far as we agree that QM is correct and decoherence does its work. With DM (Digital mechanism, actually used by QM) the math is awfully complex. All we can say is that the measure one obeys a non boolean sort of quantum logic. IF DM and/or QM is correct the notion of normality for relatively computable histories (the arithmetical world-lines) makes higher your survive a cerebral hypoxia in the normal third person sharable common reality. For irreversible damages, like with alzheimer, or with death, the question of the first person indeterminacy is more complex. By a 'galois connection', you normally augment the possibilities, but there may be jumps, amnesia, and it may depend eventually on what you identify yourself with.

But the "jumps" can be arbitrarily long. So is a jump of 10^10yrs = death?

By jump I was alluding to first person jumps. I do that frequently when doing a nap. I am conscious of being somewhere, but to sleepy to remember where and when. I am awake, and I know that the opening of my eyes will instantaneously get me back in the flux, at some precise point. I am always 100% sure to be at morning, in the dark, but once I open the eyes I remember quasi instantaneously I was doing a nap, in the day light.

Some jump can be amnesic jump, or memory recovery jump. It is a sudden change in the subjective experience. It happens also when awakening from a REM dream.

Concerning the UD jumps, measured in years, (with an UD time step = 1 nanosecond, say) we have that, by first person delay invariance, those delays don't introduce any change in the subjective experience. Be it 10^10yrs, or 10^(10^10)yrs, or, if you remember omega[omega]omega years. But keep in mind that the uncertainty measure is not on the states, but on the histories, and from inside they have a complex topology. It is not a boolean measure (accepting Theaetetus's theory of knowledge and its arithmetization).



Those 'modern theological' questions are awfully difficult, but computer science can translate them into questions (or set of questions) of arithmetic (in the DM theory, that is assuming we are digitalizable machine).



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