On Feb 2, 10:35 pm, Colin Hales <c.ha...@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a response to all the vigor my comp/COMP decision has caused.
> First: Go Evgenii! That weirdest of weird substances, money, nothing
> more than a calibrated belief system in humans, gets us all in the end!
> You may be the only person in this list hooked into reality. :-)
> ==== back to issues.
> We've all been through the brain-in-a-vat thought experiment. The recent
> questions raised in the discussion suggest to me that it may not be
> apparent to all that this experiment has actually been done. It's you.
> Me. Everyone. Already.
> Our brains are suspended in a bath of cerebral spinal fluid. One of the
> layers between the brain meninges. If you mentally expanded then to
> vat-sizes and took the outer layers off...you have a brain in a vat.
> We _are_ brains in a vat.
The pertinent sense of BiV is that sensory inputs are falsified

> This means we are hooked into the external world in ways that are not
> present in the peripheral nerves. Looking at the (nerves pulses)
> signals, it is impossible to tell if they are vision, smell, touch or
> anything else.

But looking at the nerves themselves, it is possible because
they are hooked up in certain ways. It's like an analog telphone
exchange: *this* line comes from Mr Smith's house, *that* line
goes to Mrs Brown's house

> Those that think that a computer can add this extra bit
> of connectivity to the external world,

It's not missing

>believe in comp/COMP. When you
> replace the brain with a model of a brain using a computer, that "extra"
> bit, the connection with the outside world we get from our qualia,...the
> qualia created by the brain matter itself, is replaced by the qualia you
> get by 'being' the computer.
> If you believe comp/COMP, then you believe that the computer's model -or
> - the computer hardware itself -  somehow replaces the function of the
> qualia, by analysing the sensory signalling, which is fundamentally
> degenerately related to the external world. Only a human with qualia
> can, from sensory signals, provide any sort of model for our
> 'computer-in-a-vat' that might stand-in for an external world. Having
> done that, the world being explored by our computer-in-a-vat is the
> world of the human model generated from the sensory signals, not the
> world itself. When an encounter with the unknown happens, then the
> unknown will be chacterized by a human model's response to the unknown,
> not the (unknown) actual world. The extent to which these things are
> different is the key.
> Neuroscience is beginning to progress from NCC (Neural correlates of
> consciousness) to EMCC (electromagnetic correlates of consciousness).
> Researchers are slowly discovering that certain aspects of cognition and
> behaviour correlate better with the LFP (local field
> potential/extracellular field) than mere action potentials.
> If the EM fields are the difference, then in replacing the fields of the
> brain with the fields of the computer running a model...and your
> qualia/cognition go with it.
> So when you think of the 'input/output' relations for a computer, the
> sensory signalling is only part of it. There is another complete set of
> 'input' relations, qualia, that together with the sensory signals, form
> our real connection to the outside world. So the old black-box
> replacement idea is right - but only if the black box has a whole other
> set of 'input' signals, from the qualia. The only way you can
> computationally replace these signals is to already know everything
> about the external world already. Your alternative? Keep the qualia in
> your 'black box'. To me that means generating the fields as well.
> Don't get me wrong. Lots of really nifty AI can result from the
> 'computer-in-a-vat'. However, that's not what I am aiming at. I want
> AGI. G for General.
> I am an engineer. Well not quite. I think I am some kind of
> neuroscientist now. Just handing my PhD in...I will build an AGI based
> on choices. My research suggests that replacing the fields, emulating
> the brain, is the way to go. That's why my PhD is all about how neurons
> originate the endogenous field system measured by scalp EEG/MEG. Having
> nutted it out, time to make hardware to do it.
> Gotta go.
> Colin Hales
> Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
> > on 02.02.2011 11:00 Stathis Papaioannou said the following:
> >> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 6:45 PM, Brent Meeker<meeke...@dslextreme.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>> I think it very likely that the brain can be so modeled.  But the
> >>> meaning that simulated brain, as expressed in it's output decisions
> >>> relative to inputs is dependent on the rest of the world, or at
> >>> least of it with which the brain will interact - including the past
> >>> evoutionary history which led up to the brain.  Its computations
> >>> have no canonical interpretation in themselves.
> >> You can connect the simulated brain to transducers which convert
> >> environmental inputs into electrical signals. But then, what would
> >> happen if the same electrical signals were input from data on disk
> >> rather than the environment? Would the brain's experience be
> >> different? If so, how would it know where the data was coming from?
> > I believe that at this point the Chalmers' paper
> > David Chalmers, The Matrix as Metaphysics
> >http://consc.net/papers/matrix.pdf
> > could be useful. We can assume MAT or we can assume MEC, but this
> > brings no changes in my personal life. I have to do the same things,
> > for example I have to earn money to be able further to try to
> > understand what comp is. If money are over than I am in trouble,
> > either I am in the Matrix or not.
> > Evgenii
> >http://blog.rudnyi.ru

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