It is interesting to note that the human psyche will break if cut off from
any sensory stimuli for more than about 48 hours.  I don't believe this is
due to some philosophical need for a mind to be connected to its
environment, however, rather I would guess it is due to the design of the
neurons or the programming of the brain which make the human mind dependent
on input to keep its other processes going.  If one made an accurate model
of the human brain and ran it on the computer you should get the same result
if you never fed it any input.

This secret research produced two discoveries central to the CIA's more
recent psychological paradigm. In classified experiments, famed Canadian
psychologist Donald Hebb found that he could induce a state akin to
drug-induced hallucinations and psychosis in just 48 hours -- without drugs,
hypnosis, or electric shock. Instead, for two days student volunteers at
McGill University simply sat in a comfortable cubicle deprived of sensory
stimulation by goggles, gloves, and earmuffs. "It scared the hell out of
us," Hebb said later, "to see how completely dependent the mind is on a
close connection with the ordinary sensory environment, and how
disorganizing to be cut off from that support."


On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 12:35 PM, selva <> wrote:

> On Jun 19, 5:21 pm, Bruno Marchal <> wrote:
> > Hi selva,
> >
> > On 17 Jun 2011, at 22:10, selva wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > 1.consider a person cut off from all his senses,all his 5 senses shut
> > > down and now he is about to find a solution for a problem. Does his
> > > environment (or rather,positions of atoms/energy around
> > > him, ) ,affects his solution ?
> >
> > Assuming mechanism, and some relatively high substitution level, the
> > answer is no.
> >
> > > will there be different solution at different environments ?
> >
> > There is no reason. The environment can only play a role through
> > interaction, or interference, but this will not occur in the situation
> > that you are describing.
> 1)then the converse should also be true right?that our thoughts don't
> affect our environment..?
> in that case,what about noetic sciences ? Are you suggesting it
> doesn't exist at all ?
> 2)will gravity(acceleration of the particles in brain) affect the
> solution ?
> >
> > > 2.consider an artificial brain fed with signals similar to normal
> > > brain and (for arguments sake )this artificial brain and a normal
> > > human brain have computational similarities...then will they have
> > > similar response? or as they are made of different materials there
> > > would be differences in response ?
> >
> > It really depends on the mechanist assumption and the choice of the
> > substitution level. The mechanist assumption just assumes the
> > existence of a substitution level where you are Turing emulable. If
> > the level is very low, the "environment" might be a part of your
> > "generalized brain", and it is logically possible that you have to
> > describe it at the Planck scale or below, but most neurophilosophers
> > and physician believe that the generalized brain *is* the biological
> > brain.
> >
> > The 'reversal consequence' of Digital Mechanism does not depend on the
> > substitution level. It depends only on the existence of such a level.
> >
> > Bruno
> >
> >
> --
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