you know more about the 'IBM-Synapse' achievement than myself (easy: I know
nothing, did not even thopughtfully decipher the article in all its
I would ask IBM (they may not reply of course) if their machine (chip?) can
solve ANY technical problem barred by unsurmountable difficulties to a - not
only reasonable - but to a BETTER result than expected?
An examp[le from my past (and this is not boasting, it is an example how
human creativity could win over the "power of poverty".
In Commi Hungary the pharmceutical researchers wnted ion exchange resins for
a process to extract streptomycin from its broth. They did not have the
foreign currency to buy it, so they came to me (project Ion Exchange in the
polymer Research Inst.) to make such for them. I needed the cross-linking
agent (di-vinyl-benzene) to make the polymer and, of course I did not get
the foreign currency for it either. So I went to the Organic Chem. pilot
plant for styrene (Mono-vinyl-benzene) if they have some side-product I
could use. They had a distillation residue, a dark goo and stated that it
contains 15-25% of the stuff. Iff...
I had no facilities to extract it, so I decided the peasant-way: put the
entire goo into my mixture tp be polymerized and hoped that after cleaning
out all dirt from the resulting (cross-linked) polymer it will show
usability. After lots of cleaning I got seemingly OK bead-polymeers, which
after further treatment went into strepto-testing. That's when the Heureka
broke out: my dirty product bound several times more of the antibiotic than
the World Market products. The rest was routine: reproductions, changing
parameters and applying for the patents. Does the machine-brain go after
such series of hurdles and evaluate what can be done? Does it stay within
the limits and reduce the events to their applicability?
This was one example without rules and systems, no calculations, only
circumventing the obstacles untold.

John M

On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Craig Weinberg <>wrote:

> Looks like we may be finding out sooner rather than later whether
> there is more to the psyche than networking logic.
> --
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