On 27 Apr 2012, at 05:00, meekerdb wrote:

On 4/26/2012 7:19 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:

because people don't like the idea of dying. But that doesn't prove a
> thing.
It proves my point - that it is a perfectly reasonable thing to be
able to imagine.

People think they can imagine things just because they can stick words together to express them. I don't think anyone can actually imagine being alive without a body. They always imagine some, slightly different body.

OK. But you mean by body "an apparent body". Many people imagine that they can live without a material body, and some activation of the temporal cerebral lobe is known today to activate out-of-body experience, in which people get the feeling to be out of the body, sometimes even without apparent body, as they can feel to see their body from some distance.
Some drugs can produce similar experience.

And I am not even sure it is so difficult to *imagine* or conceive not having a body. From the brain in vat to the number matrix, to the simple imagination of "having no body and fying in the air, going through walls, and not seeing anything like a personal body". That is easy, it seems to me, to *imagine*.



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