Hi R AM,

    What exactly did you wish to communicate in your post?

On 8/5/2012 4:40 PM, R AM wrote:
On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 8:45 PM, Stephen P. King <stephe...@charter.net> wrote:

Dear Brent,

     Your statement is a nonsequitur. In your acceptance of the definition of
fascism (as given by fascism promoters) is a tacit acceptance of the
existence of fascism as an actual matter of fact. The "atheists" that Bruno
is criticising are making claims against the existence of the Christan or
more generally the Abrahamic concept of god. Bruno's point might be
construed as that any and all claims for or against a particular definition
must assume as possibly existing the entity in question. The concept of God
as defined by its usage by most philosophers (not just the small minority of
Christian apologists) is nowhere isomorphic to the definition of God as
defined by Christians and therefore is immune to your critique.

This confirms what I have already explained. Atheism is a variant of
christianism. They defend the same conception of God than the Christians, as
you do all the time.
Note that philosophers use often the term "God" in the general and original
sense of theology: as being, by definition, the transcendental cause of

as "a force greater than myself" then I am a devout believer because I
believe in gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong nuclear force. I
believe in bulldozers too.

But I have already told you that God is supposed to be responsible for our

Doesn't that responsibility require 'free will'?

     Why are you tacitly assuming the Abrahamic theory of free-will? You
could accept the secular version as it is used in game theory (that I
defined in a previous post) but you seem to ignore or refuse this
possibility. Why do you think that the concept of autonomy or, its
equivalent, agency (in economics) requires the Abrahamic theory? I think
thou doth protest too much!



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